Le bébé qui démontre un reflux gastrique

The baby who demonstrates gastric reflux


The first months of a baby's life are a crucial period for their development, marked by establishing routines, forming emotional bonds and discovering the world. As a parent, understanding and meeting the needs of your infant is essential for their well-being and development.

Signs and symptoms of gastric reflux

The first months of life are the development of the digestive tract and neurological connections through learning to drink (breastfeeding and/or bottle). An infant who demonstrates gastric reflux has one or more of the following signs:

- disturbed when burping and/or after drinking;

- discomfort lying flat on your back;

- chews;

- needs a lot of comfort in the arms.

- often asks to drink it to relieve pain (except during growth spurts).

A digestion cycle in infants

The digestion cycle of a baby from 1 day-2 months (2-3h), from 2-6 months (3-4h) and from 6-12 months (4h) for the sufficient production of digestive enzymes (especially in milk maternal) in order to properly assimilate the milk. There are also 8 growth periods between the 2nd and 55th weeks of life. For this period, drinking is done more frequently over 24 to 36 hours, depending on the baby, ''a little marathon''. Thereafter, a return to the regular drinking cycle depending on the number of months is restored naturally.

Identify baby's needs

Identifying your baby's needs is a learning process in itself:

-Hunger (looks for the breast/bottle with his nose and mouth , naturally tilts his head backwards, drinks efficiently, movement of his tongue under the breast or the bottle teat with a forward and backward movement of his lower jaw) ;

-Diaper change (squirming, whining (crying is different), uncomfortable on the back, smell emerges)

-Comfort (needs to be held, rocked, whined (body heat, belly massage, pacifier or finger soothes).

Privileged moment

To realize that the moment of his drink is a privileged moment to help his digestion and to create a bond of trust with him. The parent, be 100% present when drinking while being relaxed (cell phone turned off, quiet room, in silence or soft music, concentrates on drinking (1 thing at a time), position of the baby and the parent, their grip on the breast or bottle (tight mouth, upper lip raised, movement of the chin back and forth, lapping) and a calm environment (trick when there is 2-3 or 4th calm toy in the same room by explaining the involvement of others of his apprenticeship).

Tools for gastric reflux:

-Belly massage before drinking (video link);

-Stop him drinking when he is less effective and make him burp;

-Sit on your knees, back to you, both hands on your ribs and make a circular movement with your body (video link);

-Checked for allergens or irritants (breastfeeding (foods consumed by the mother (chocolate, coffee, cabbage, tobacco, energy drink, soft drink, dairy proteins, etc.)) or the type of formula (allergen-free or other);

-Space it between 3-4 hours depending on its age to allow it to assimilate the milk;

-Place an angle under your mattress or in the bed of approximately 30 degrees;

-Consult an osteopath to check if he has muscle tension related to his discomfort.

To conclude, the cycle of drinking and digestion is the baby's second most important after breathing. By framing well

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